All our enjoyment or suffering may be traced to obedience or transgression of natural law. Our gracious heavenly Father sees the deplorable condition of men who, some knowingly but many ignorantly, are living in violation of the laws that He has established. And in love and pity to the race, He causes the light to shine upon health reform. Men and women must be taught to take a careful review of every habit and every practice, and at once put away those things that cause an unhealthy condition of the body, and thus cast a dark shadow over the mind.
This 16 page full colour magazine is an excellent resource to give to families. It contains useful information to help maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, including a food chart that shows how different foods metabolize in the human body and tend to cause it to be either acidic or alkaline. The principles and practices outlined are for all ages and all classes of men. They come to us straight from our Creator. Sold in packs of 10 magazines.
Paperback Magazine: 16 pages
Publisher: Wilderness Publications
Sold in sets of 10.